Family: Pondederiaceae
Scientific name: Eichornia crassipes
Common name: Water hyacinth
Native of: Amazon basin
Greenhouse location: Room F
Family: Pondederiaceae
Scientific name: Eichornia crassipes
Common name: Water hyacinth
Native of: Amazon basin
Greenhouse location: Room F
One of the fastest growing plants on Earth, Eichornia crassipes—commonly known as water hyacinth—propagates by producing runners or stolons. The plant also produces thousands of seeds that can remain viable for 3 decades!
In ideal locations, E. crassipes grows as much as 10 feet per day. Because the density of its foliage blocks the other plants of sunlight, E. crassipes can easily outcompete native flora, completely taking over ponds and lakes.
Salt water hinders the growth of water hyacinths and high salinity kills the plants altogether.